I am a Staff Research Scientist at Samsung Research America (SRA). Previously, I have worked at Qualcomm Inc. and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD). In my most recent academic role, I served as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), under the supervision of Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk.
I began my Ph.D. at the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in August 2015, working under the supervision of Prof. Michael S. Brown. After my first year, Prof. Brown transitioned to the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University in Toronto, and I followed him there. I completed my Ph.D. in August 2019 from York University.
My research interests include image processing, computer vision, and computational photography.

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Brown M.S., Karaimer H.C. (2022) “Systems, methods and computer programs for colorimetric mapping”, U.S. Patent, May 2022 [pdf]

Patent Applications

Wu V.Y., Yu W.H., Karaimer H.C., Yan H.T. (2022) “Method and Apparatus for Adjusting Video Brightness”, U.S. Patent, Dec 2022 [pdf]

Wu V.Y., Yu W.H., Karaimer H.C. (2022) “Real Time Machine Learning-Based Privacy Filter for Removing Reflective Features from Images and Video”, U.S. Patent, Oct 2022 [pdf]

Brown M.S., Afifi M., Abdelhamed A., Karaimer H.C., Abuolaim A., Punnappurath A. (2022) “Systems and method of Processing of a Captured Image to Facilitate Post-Processing Modification”, U.S. Patent, July 2022 [pdf]

International Conference and Workshop Papers

Marouf I.E., Barras L., Karaimer H.C., Süsstrunk S. (2021) “Joint Unsupervised Infrared-RGB Video Registration and Fusion”, London Imaging Meeting (LIM`21), September 2021 [pdf] [project page]

Karaimer H.C., Nguyen H.M.R. (2020) “A Correspondence-Free Color Chart Design for Color Calibration”, London Imaging Meeting (LIM`20), September 2020 [pdf] [project page]

Karaimer H.C., Brown M.S. (2019) “Beyond raw-RGB and sRGB: Advocating Access to a Colorimetric Image State”, Color and Imaging Conference (CIC`19), October 2019 [pdf] [project page]

Afifi M., Punnappurath A., Abdelhamed A., Karaimer H.C., Abuolaim A., Brown M.S. (2019) “Color Temperature Tuning: Allowing Accurate Post-Capture White-Balance Editing”, Color and Imaging Conference (CIC`19), October 2019 [pdf] [project page]

Karaimer H.C., Khodadad, I., Kazemzadeh, F., Brown, M. S. (2019) “A Customized Camera Imaging Pipeline for Dermatological Imaging”, ISIC Skin Image Analysis Workshop (at CVPR`19), June 2019 [pdf] [project page]

Karaimer H.C., Brown M.S. (2018) “Improving Color Reproduction Accuracy on Cameras”, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR`18), June 2018 [pdf] [project page]

Karaimer H.C., Brown M.S. (2016) “A Software Platform for Manipulating the Camera Imaging Pipeline”, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV`16), Oct 2016 [pdf] [project page]

Karaimer H.C., Cinaroglu I., Bastanlar Y. (2015) “Combining shape-based and gradient-based classifiers for vehicle classification”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC`15), Sep 2015 [pdf]

Karaimer H.C., Bastanlar Y. (2015) “Detection and Classification of Vehicles from Omnidirectional Videos using Temporal Average of Silhouettes”, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP`15), Mar 2015 [pdf]

Kristan M., et al. (2013) “The Visual Object Tracking VOT2013 challenge results”, Workshop on Visual Object Tracking Challenge (at ICCV`13), Dec 2013 [pdf]

Journal Papers

Karaimer H.C., Baris I., Bastanlar Y. (2017) “Detection and Classification of Vehicles from Omnidirectional Videos Using Multiple Silhouettes”, Pattern Analysis and Applications (PAA), 20(3), Aug 2017 [pdf]

National Conference Papers

Karaimer H.C., Bastanlar Y. (2015) “Classification of Vehicles Using Binary Foreground Images Averaged Over Time (in Turkish)”, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Applications (SIU`15), May 2015 [pdf]

Karaimer H.C., Bastanlar Y. (2014) “Car Detection with Omnidirectional Cameras Using Haar-Like Features and Cascaded Boosting (in Turkish)”, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Applications (SIU`14), Apr 2014 [pdf]


Karaimer H.C. (2019) “A Study of Colour Rendering in the In-Camera Imaging Pipeline”, PhD. Thesis, York University, Aug 2019 [pdf]

Karaimer H.C. (2015) “Shape Based Detection and Classification of Vehicles using Omnidirectional Videos”, MSc. Thesis, Izmir Institute of Technology, Jun 2015 [pdf]


Winter 2020 (EPFL):

I was a teaching assistant for CS-413: Computational photography.

Winter 2019 (York):

I was a teaching assistant for EECS 1022: Programming for Mobile Computing.

Fall 2018 (York):

I was a teaching assistant for EECS 4422/5323: Computer Vision.

Winter 2018 (York):

I was a teaching assistant for EECS 2011Z: Fundamentals of Data Structures.

Fall 2017 (York):

I was a teaching assistant for EECS 4422/5323: Computer Vision.

Winter 2017 (York):

I was a teaching assistant for EECS 1021: Object Oriented Programming from Sensors to Actuators.

Fall 2016 (York):

I was a teaching assistant for EECS/MATH 1019: Discrete Math for Computer Science.

Sem 2, AY15/16 (NUS):

I was a teaching assistant for CS2010: Data Structures and Algorithms II.